Customer Testimonials

“I want to thank you for supporting us last night with our emergency. You deployed your “A-Team” and it is refreshing to have a vendor respond with a sense of urgency and resourcefulness. Our IT manager said that RedZone was ‘just awesome.’”
IT Director.

State Department Federal Credit Union

“Your response time was epic…”
IT Manager.

Montgomery County Employees FCU

"RedZone got me in touch with staff who helped us quickly determine the problem was not internal (thankfully) and eliminate the threat by creating a firewall rule. It’s very comforting to know that we are able to obtain timely and knowledgeable assistance as needed. Kudos to RedZone for their excellent help!”

Advanced Medical Management Inc.

“When the NFL required every team in the league to do a Security Risk Assessment, we chose RedZone.  Their Security Scoreboard gives my department all the technical information we need, while still displaying the data in a way our board can understand... It's unlike anything else on the market.  RedZone, thanks for making our defense even stronger.”

Baltimore Ravens

“The CIO Scoreboard process has been a very goodexercise with RedZone. Stepping through each of the categories and sections ofthe tool generated thoughtful discussion around current status / practices andhas delivered an easy approach toward prioritize IT Security initiatives. Riskand Criticality are two of the key criteria discussed during the process whichgreatly influence prioritization—every organization has unique circumstancesthat influence these criteria and the Redzone Team helped me to uncover thoseareas. With a “do more with less” mandate, this disciplined approach andresults helps me quickly identify gaps and focus in critical areas thatleverage the strengths of my internal staff, partners, and vendors to mitigateweaknesses”

American Chemistry Council

"With the Scoreboard and supported RedZone process, I have been able to unravel the complexity of all the technical details in my security environment. I also now have new visualization and planning tools that enable better communication of IT Security to the business. This has helped me with being able to purchase appropriate products, spend wisely, eliminate product functionality overlap, implement needed processes, and choose vendors wisely.”
VP of IT.

America’s Health Insurance Plans

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